Don’t Let Your Legacy Provider Put Your System at Risk

Learn how Premise Health improved its security posture with Deepwatch.

We’re here to help.

Deepwatch customer, Premise Health, was looking for more confidence in their managed detection and response partner. Through its partnership with Deepwatch, Premise Health has seen a significant improvement in its security posture, as well as tremendous value. 

Combating the risks in healthcare cybersecurity takes more than just being compliant and checking off a box — it takes advanced proactive detection and rapid response. That’s where Deepwatch can help.

Deepwatch customers:

  • realized over 400% ROI in 2021
  • receive 24/7/365 eyes-on-glass: threat monitoring, alerting, validation, and proactive threat hunting

Contact us to speak with an MDR expert. 

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Meet with our managed security experts to discuss your use cases, technology and pain points and learn how Deepwatch can help.