Why Deepwatch

Improved Security Posture

Our patented Deepwatch Security Index allows your SecOps team to chart a path to greater cyber resiliency

Accelerate Security Team Growth

Patented Deepwatch Security Index Helps Measure Security ROI

The path to cyber resiliency is a journey of continuous improvement, day by day and week by week. Deepwatch has developed a patented security posture scoring model, the Deepwatch Security Index customized to your specific environment, guiding you towards an enhanced security posture.

The Deepwatch Security Index considers the unique aspects of your environment and offers actionable recommendations for improvement. By tracking your score over time, you can demonstrate progress and compare against industry peers.

  • Guide security team path to cyber resiliency with metrics that matter
  • Index based on your security team posture against industry peers and industry verticals

Measure Team Growth

Map and Coordinate Your Security Journey with Deepwatch

The journey to cyber resiliency starts with knowing exactly how secure you are today and improving your security posture each day forward. The Deepwatch Security Index process accounts for what makes your environment unique and provides prescriptive recommendations for improvement. It provides answers to the question, "How effective is our security posture and what are we doing to get better?"

Let's Talk

Ready to Become Cyber Resilient?

Meet with our managed security experts to discuss your use cases, technology and pain points and learn how Deepwatch can help.