Feed the Frontlines! Supporting our Fearless Workers

By Jen Swensson

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

We are all adjusting to a “new normal” these days, but understandably it remains quite stressful for many of us. I’m thinking of (and sympathize with) those fellow working parents with kids at home going stir-crazy and missing their usual routines like classrooms, friends sleepovers, team sports and birthday parties. Some of our friends are frontline workers who have been working tirelessly helping people who are impacted by the pandemic. I may have complained a time or two about feeling some cabin fever and being frustrated with some of the closures, new community protocols and inability to fully enjoy a much needed vacation. None of these minor inconveniences can ever compare to the sacrifices our frontline workers are making to fight our way back to a communal healthy existence and societal normalcy.

Giving Back

Deepwatch allows 100% of our employees to work from home, and has been designed for remote work since inception. We are committed to giving back to all of the communities in which our team members reside, which covers much of the U.S. Over the past two months, we have given each employee a $50 per week meal credit to support their local restaurants. In total, we’ve given over $50,000 for this. Our objective was to help local small businesses and communities by supporting their economies across the United States.

Our employees have found creative ways to support their local community as well. My favorite example being recent winners of our monthly peer nominated recognition program – instead of taking the spot bonus as their reward, they have opted to give that money to local charities.

Most recently we focused our support in the Denver area where Deepwatch has a SOC and a major presence. We donated to the Feed the Frontlines Denver to provide support to the hard working frontline workers in the Denver community.

Feed the Frontlines Denver

Feed the Frontlines Denver is a not-for-profit organization with a mission that Deepwatch embraces and would encourage others to donate to.

Our mission at Feed the Frontlines Denver is to support local restaurants and hospital staff who are bearing the greatest burden of us all — the frontline of the pandemic.

Feed the Frontlines Denver is providing restaurant prepared meals to hospital workers caring for COVID-19 patients.

This initiative helps the Denver community in two ways:

  • Provides orders to local restaurants who face unprecedented challenges in the face of social distancing
  • Provides nourishment to hospital staff burdened by fighting COVID-19 on the frontlines

Hospital staff get a healthy meal, local restaurants get needed business to keep staff employed, and local donors’ funds go directly to a cause in need.”

Deepwatch is proud to have made a significant donation to Feed the Frontlines Denver to support the local economies of our colleagues, as well as support the Frontline workers toiling away. We were able to purchase 376 meals!

For more information on Feed the Frontlines Denver, please visit their website at https://www.feedingthefrontlinesdenver.org/. If you would like to donate to their cause, any amount is greatly appreciated, you can donate securely via PayPal.

In Closing

Giving back to our communities is of paramount importance to us. As an HR leader, I take great pride in taking care of our people. To me, this expands beyond the workplace and our employees. It expands to my colleagues’ family and community. I’m super proud to be part of an organization that shares and supports these values.


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