Premise Health partners with Deepwatch to secure services during COVID-19



Premise Health provides healthcare services via employer sponsored healthcare. But providing high quality healthcare during a global pandemic is uncharted territory. As the United States moved workforces home, Premise Health continued to deliver their services to members via industry leading virtual visits. How do you secure an almost instantaneous 800% increase in virtual visits? The team turned to Deepwatch to help secure their service delivery when it mattered most.

The Deepwatch service delivery model, technology platform, and their collaborative approach sealed the deal for us.”


Deepwatch met with Premise Health leadership to discuss objectives and create a highly tailored strategy to enhance their security maturity. Deepwatch’s SecOps platform provided comprehensive, 24/7/365 coverage for every aspect of Premise Health’s SOC. Flexible deployment and smooth onboarding made the process as efficient as possible. Deepwatch Experts ensured collaboration and check-ins with the customer every step of the way. From start to finish, Deepwatch merged their advanced technology with relentless service to provide a comprehensive solution that worked to meet Premise Health’s needs.


Deepwatch and Premise Health have continued to work together since 2019. The joint focus on customer experience has enabled both companies to grow, expand, and mature their cyber defense capabilities at an unmatched rate. Deepwatch and Premise Health look forward to continuing a strong partnership to drive innovation in the healthcare industry. Download the full case study to learn more about our partnership with Premise Health.

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